Dear Life-Like Dentists:

Below is the dental marketing stock content for December 2015.  You can use this content for your blog and newsletter. Making a purchase from Life-Like Cosmetic Solutions this year grants you a non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use this content with your marketing efforts. Simply change “Acme Dentistry” to your office name, add a teeth whitening offer, and you’re ready to go. If you have a question, please do not hesitate to contact us, and Happy Marketing!

– The Life-Like Staff


How to Quit Smoking And Whiten Teeth

As another year draws to a close, many people think about the resolutions they want to make for the coming year. If you are a smoker, you already know the reasons you should quit – yellow teeth, bad breath, and health risks. Unfortunately, saying you want to quit and actually quitting are two different things. To make your resolution turn into reality, you need a plan. Here are some tips for creating a New Year’s Resolution Plan to quit smoking and whiten your teeth:

  • Give yourself a good reason: When push comes to shove, many smokers resort to their old unhealthy habit because they don’t have a good enough reason to stay on the road to quitting. Think about your health, your wallet, your family, or even how nice it would be to sit indoors and spend time with your loved ones instead of standing outside smoking in a cold garage.
  • Get motivated: It is important to acknowledge that it is never too late to quit. Even if you have quit before, it is worth the effort to try again, no matter how long you have smoked.
  • Address both parts of your addiction: People become addicted to smoking both physically for the nicotine and psychologically as a habit. Your doctor may be able to prescribe patches or medication which can help with the physical side. Ask about side effects and determine whether this approach is right for your physical and mental condition.
  • The psychological side: The American Lung Association offers a Freedom From Smoking® group clinic which features a step-by-step in-person or online plan for quitting smoking. Eight sessions help smokers gain control over their behavior. Participants work on the process and problems of quitting, both individually and as part of the group.
  • Alternative methods: Some people also find success with gum or hypnosis as methods to wean themselves from their nicotine dependency., a non-profit guide to mental health and well-being, offers a handy acronym to get you going – START.

S = set a date.

T = tell others.

A = anticipate and plan for challenges.

R = remove cigarettes.

T = talk to your doctor.

Once you have stopped smoking, you will begin to feel the health benefits almost immediately. If all those years of smoking have given your teeth a noticeably dingy appearance, you might want to consider professional teeth whitening to help you feel even better about your achievement. Our practice utilizes dental whitening products from Life-Like Cosmetic Solutions. We offer in-office professional teeth whitening, and send you home with an in-home whitening kit to complement our work and extend the benefits even longer.

Contact our dental office with any questions you have about dental care, smoking cessation, diet, cosmetic dentistry, oral hygiene, or dental teeth whitening. We hope you consider discussing the benefits of teeth whitening as part of your New Year’s Resolution Plan. Happy Holidays and Happy New Year from the Dental Professionals at Acme Dentistry!